The Owner’s Manual for Your Home
So you have a home … and no idea what to do next.
Where is that operating manual? This is “The Guide” to operate your home.
- Over 300 illustrations and simple explanations
- Describes the operation of structural, electrical, and mechanical home systems
- The information you need effectively operate and maintain your home
- Thorough and easy to understand explanations of how your home works
- Must know, must do information
- Seasonal maintenance guides
- Information everyone in the household should know
- How to stop little problems from becoming big problems
- What to do when things go wrong
- How to turn things on and off
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 – Start It Up and Take That First Spin
- Walk Through Before Closing
- Utility Services
- Garbage, Recycling
- Insurance
- Post Office / Phone Numbers
- Keys and Locks
- Welcome Wagon / Local Government and Service Groups
- Safety and Security–Your First Priority
Chapter 2 – Environmental and Safety Concerns
Chapter 3 – Utility Systems – Heating and Air Conditioning
- Utility and General System Notes
- Heating and Air Conditioning
- Thermostat
- Warm Air Furnace
- Air Filters
- Hydronic (Hot Water) Heat
- Steam Heating
- Oil Burner
- Central Air Conditioning
- Central Air Cooling – Evaporative Cooler
- Heat Pumps
- Heating and Cooling Distribution: Ducts and Dampers
Chapter 4 – Utility Systems – Electrical
- Utility Systems—Electrical
- Main Panel
- Wiring and Flow of Electricity
- Outlets, Cords, 110 vs. 220/240
- Service Disconnects
- Electrical Polarity
- Electrical Grounding
- Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters
- Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCI)
Chapter 5 – Utility Systems–Plumbing,Water Supply
- Water Service—Municipal
- Water Service—Your Own Well
- Water Heaters
- Piping and Valves
- Water Softener
- Garbage Disposal
- Hose Bibs (Exterior Hose Faucets)
- Water Hammer Arresters
- Drainage, Waste, and Vent System
- Sewer and Septic Systems
- Irrigation Systems
- Natural Gas and Propane
- Heating Oil
Chapter 6– General Home Systems
- Foundation Basics
- Protecting Your Basement Foundation
- Termite Protection
- Structure, Frame and Siding
- Stucco – Cement
- Windows and Doors
- Insulation and Ventilation
- Roofs and Gutters
- Chimney, Flue and Vent
- Orphaned Water Heater in Masonry Chimney
- Seismic Movement
Chapter 7 – Fun Yet Serious Systems
- Fireplaces and Wood Stoves
- Basic Fireplace Types
- How to Build a Real Wood Fire
- Fireplace Draft Problems
- Fireplace Cleaning
- Rain in the Fireplace
- Wood Stoves
- Whirlpool Bath
- Hot Tub,Spa
- Swimming Pools
- Pool Safety
- Waterfront Property and Seawalls
Chapter 8 – Service Requirements by the Calendar
- Daily and Weekly
- Monthly
- Spring
- Summer
- Fall
- Winter
- Periodic Maintenance and Service as Needed
- Door Maintenance Tips
Chapter 9 – In Case of Emergency: Things Everyone in the Household Should Know
Be Safe
The information in this book has been carefully assembled to ensure that it is as accurate as possible. However, the book provides general information only, and it is sold with the understanding that the publisher and author are not rendering legal or professional services.
This book does not provide product-specific information, and you should consult the manufacturer of the product or equipment for specific information. Operation and maintenance information is provided for general understanding only. For information specific to your home, consult with local contractors and professionals.
When attempting a home repair project, always consult professionals and follow label directions. Companies that manufacture equipment and home repair products are the ultimate authorities. Follow their instructions.
Many home repair, operation, and maintenance projects involve a certain degree of risk and should be approached with care. You should only attempt repairs if you have read and understood the instructions for the product, equipment, or tool that you are using. If questions or problems arise, consult a professional or the manufacturer.
Due to the variability of local conditions, construction materials, and personal skills, neither the author nor the publisher assumes responsibility for any injuries suffered or for damages or other losses that may result from the information presented.